The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration produced data from 2024 statistics showing recent trends in motor vehicle accident deaths. The data is definitely troublesome and suggests that some of the most bothersome types of traffic-related deaths, which we thought were decreasing, are trending upward.
General Trends in Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths from 2024 Reported by NHTSA
The 2022 national data shows that:
- Distraction-related deaths (3,450 fatalities) decreased by 2.2 percent;
- Drowsy-driving deaths (803 fatalities) decreased by 3.5 percent;
- Drunk-driving deaths (10,497 fatalities) increased by 1.7 percent;
- Speeding-related deaths (10,111 fatalities) increased by 4.0 percent;
- Unbelted deaths (10,428 fatalities) increased by 4.6 percent;
- Motorcyclist deaths (5,286 fatalities – the largest number of motorcyclist fatalities since 2008) increased by 5.1 percent;
- Pedestrian deaths (5,987 fatalities – the highest number since 1990) increased by 9.0 percent; and
- Bicyclist deaths (840 fatalities – the highest number since 1991) increased by 1.3 percent.
What Do We Expect to See in Future Data Regarding Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths?
We expect to see a further increase in distracted driving-related deaths. Although drunk-driving/DUI-related deaths continue to increase, we expect to see a plateau and decrease in the relatively near future.